Factory.createDiagramLink Method (DiagramNode, Number | TreeViewItem, DiagramNode, Number | TreeviewItem)
See Also

Creates a new DiagramLink instance between the specified nodes and adds it to the links collection of the underlying diagram.

Namespace: MindFusion.Diagramming
Assembly: Factory.js


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function createDiagramLink (
    origin, [originRow], destination, [destRow])



DiagramNode. The origin node.


Number | TreeViewItem. The zero-based index of the origin table row or the origin tree item of the new link.


DiagramNode. The destination node.


Number | TreeviewItem. The zero-based index of the destination table row or the destination tree item of the new link.

 Return Value

The newly created DiagramLink instance.


If the origin or destination argument refers to a TableNode, it can be optionally followed by a row index specifying the origin or destination row. If the origin or destination argument refers to a TreeViewNode, it can be optionally followed by a TreeViewItem argument specifying the origin or destination item. If index / item arguments are omitted, the link connects to the specified node as a target instead of specific element inside.


The following script demonstrates various Factory method calls.

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function buildDiagram(diagram)
    var node = diagram.factory.createShapeNode(10, 50, 40, 30);

    var table = diagram.factory.createTableNode(80, 10, 40, 60);
    table.text = "table";
    table.rowCount = 10;

    var treeView = diagram.factory.createTreeViewNode(150, 90, 40, 60);
    treeView.addItem(new TreeViewItem());
    treeView.addItem(new TreeViewItem());

    diagram.factory.createDiagramLink(node, table, 2);
    diagram.factory.createDiagramLink(table, 4, node);

    diagram.factory.createDiagramLink(treeView, treeView.rootItems[1], node);

    diagram.factory.createDiagramLink(table, 6, treeView, treeView.rootItems[0]);

 See Also